VAMCHN meetings

The Victorian Association of Maternal & Child Health Nurses (VAMCHN) meetings are held regularly throughout the year (approximately four times per year).

Meetings 0

We are running the following meetings:

About our meetings

Reminders of up-coming meetings are emailed to members - please ensure that VAMCHN has your correct email address.

These meetings are opportunities to:


Network with colleagues with opportunities for Continuing Professional Development.


Become actively involved in representing the profession through participation on committees.


Address issues pertaining to maternal and child health.


Contribute to planning for VAMCHN events (i.e. conferences or professional development for members).


Reminders of up-coming meetings are emailed to members - please ensure that VAMCHN has your correct email address.

All members and non-members welcome. NB: only full members have voting rights

Refreshments provided.

Agenda & Minutes for meetings are available to members through the members' area.

About VAMCHN Inc

The Victorian Association of Maternal and Child Health Nurses Inc (VAMCHN) is Victoria's peak professional body committed to the advancement of maternal and child health nursing.